If your thinking of building or buying a sustainable home then the NatHERS rating will play an important part in your design.
So what is the NatHERS rating?
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) assessments are the most common way to meet the minimum energy efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC). Energy assessors use the NatHERS rating tools to predict the amount of heating and cooling your apartment or house will need to stay comfortable all year round. The findings are converted to a star rating between 0 and 10 stars.
What the stars mean
Homes with a higher star rating are considered more thermally comfortable and cheaper to run than homes with a lower star rating.
A 0-star rating means the building shell does practically nothing to reduce the discomfort of hot or cold weather.
A 6-star rating is the minimum standard in most states and territories. It indicates good, but not outstanding, thermal performance.
A 10-star rated home may not need any artificial cooling or heating to keep you comfortable.
The full range of stars from 0 to 10 is called a star band. Star bands are based on the amount of energy predicted to be used for homes in different locations.
The key to achieving a comfortable, high-performing home is to design for your climate. See examples of high star-rated homes on the Your Home website.
How ratings are determined
The calculations in the NatHERS rating tools are based on scientific research by the CSIRO.
Your home’s rating depends on how well these factors suit the local climate:
layout of the home and orientation
roof, walls, windows and floor construction methods and materials
shading to the sun's path and how well your home takes advantage of local breezes
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